Quarter 4 - Health & Return to School Information
Updated: Apr 28, 2022
When we shift to our ABCD schedule, students who are on campus must be in dress code. This includes wearing a WIS school shirt and a school ID. If your child shows up without a school uniform or ID, they will be sent home to do classes virtually.
-Students must wear a mask
-If your child is showing the following symptoms or experienced the following situations:
A fever above 100 degree's, F/37.8 degrees in the last 24 hours
A new uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough?)
Shortness of breath
A sore throat
Nasal congestion or running nose (for students with chronic allergies, a change of symptoms)
A new onset of severe headache, especially with fever
Conjunctivitis. For example, redness, itching, tearing, crusting or discharge of the eyes?