Waipahu Intermediate School is open to all 7th and 8th graders. Students must have residence within the school district either with their parents or legal guardian. Students transferring from other schools, private and public, should bring a school release.
Medical Requirements:
The State Department of Health requires students entering schools in Hawaii for the first time to have the following:
Tuberculin (Mantoux) test - Student must be free from active tuberculosis as determined by a tuberculin tests or x - ray.
Physical examination within a year.
Complete immunizations.
Incoming 7th graders from Hawaii schools are urged to receive a physical examination before August so that our medical history on each student will be up to date. Every doctor has the Form 14 for this checkup. This form should be presented to the health aide in September. Any deviations from the normal, i.e., asthma, rhuematic fever, etc., should be brought to the attention of the school. If for any reason the student is unable to participate in physical education, a written medical excuse from a doctor is required, stating the reason and duration of the restriction. This note should be turned in to the health aide at the beginning of the year or the onset of any particular restriction.
Change of Address and Phone Number:
New addresses and phone numbers should be given to the child's homeroom teacher. He/She will make the necessary changes on the attendance card and inform the registrar to make the corrections in the student's records.
Geographic Exception:
​Students who live or move outside of the Waipahu Intermediate School boundaries and want to attend Waipahu Intermediate School will complete a Geographic Exception Form.
Withdrawal and Transfer:
Students transferring to another school must have his/her parent or guardian inform the office prior to the student's release. Obtain a Student Clearance Sheet from the office to present to the respective teachers, the librarian, and the health aide. Return all books to teachers and to the library.
Visitors are not permitted on the campus during the school day except on official business. Parents who want a conference with teachers should contact the counselor to arrange these meetings
Lost and Found Property:
To avoid theft and losses, label all belongings. Personal possessions should not be left unattended. Keep all money secure. Teachers are not responsible for student's personal possessions. Articles that have been found are to be taken to the office immediately.
Honor Roll:
To qualify for the Honor Roll, a student must attain a grade point average of 3.5 to 4.0. Honor Roll students will be recognized each quarter.
Co-curricular Activities:
Any student who wishes to participate in co-curricular activities must maintain a 2.0 grade point average or better (no F's) and have a satisfactory record of attendance and behavior in each class. At any time during the school year, teachers may recommend that a student be excluded from an activity if his/her grades or behavior warrant such action.
The Office of School Facilities and Support Services, Student Transportation Services provides school bus transportation. Information and applications are available from our office or
Applications should be submitted to our school office. Any concerns should be directed to the Student Transportation Officer at 687-9500.
Parent Bulletin:
A bulletin to keep parents informed of school events and other pertinent information is mailed home every other month.
Student Fees $15.00
Binder Reminder $7.00
PE Uniform $13.00/set
Yearbook (optional) $30.00