i-Ready End of Year Diagnostic Information
Updated: Apr 25, 2022
Waipahu Intermediate School needs how your students progressed this year. The i-Ready End of
Year Diagnostic can help us get this information for each child, but only if students give it their
best effort without anyone else helping with the answers.

ALL students will be doing the YEAR END i-Ready Diagnostic AT HOME (starting
with reading first) on
● Tuesday, May 4 (Distance Learning Groups BCD)
● Wednesday, May 5 (Distance Learning Groups ACD)
● Thursday, May 6 (Distance Learning Groups ABD)
● Friday, May 7 (Distance Learning Groups ABC)
For more detailed information visit:
i-Ready information for Distance Learning students: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UKva0VtDyOSQDYFiZD0eFiwoURHpmRfx/view
i-Ready information for 100% SAHL (Acellus) students: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r3kVPwY72FQXpxSDWwhiTC8pDhGiTVtd/view