WHS 9th Grade Registration
8th Grade Orientation Email to Parents
Dear Parents,
We’re so excited that your child will soon be joining us at Waipahu High School for
School Year 2021-2022. In the next few weeks during your child’s advisory period, they
will be watching videos and getting information about our Nationally Certified
Academies of Waipahu High School.
As part of the Waipahu High School registration process, your child will select a
career academy that he/she would like to belong to. To help your child decide, please
review the videos and descriptions of the WHS Academies with your child. Also, we will
be giving you an opportunity to ask any questions you might have regarding the
academies during our online Parent Question and Answer Sessions on Thursday
December 3, 2020 beginning at 530p as follows:
Online Parents Q&A sessions on 12/3 (Thu) schedule
(You could sign up for 2 sessions your child is interested in)
530p-545p Academy of Arts & Communication
545p-600p Academy of Health & Science
600p-615p Academy of Industrial Engineering & Technology
615p-630p Academy of Natural Resources
630p-645p Academy of Professional & Public Services
For more information about “The Academies of Waipahu High School”, ( link here or
also could be found on Waipahu High School website under students’ tab then 8th
Grade Orientation. (Tagalog Version, Ilocano Version also available)
Videos to Review: ( link here or also could be found on Waipahu High School website
under students’ tab then 8th Grade Orientation)
- Principal’s Welcome
- Academy of Art & Comm
- Academy of Health & Sciences
- Academy of Industrial Engineering Technology (video will be posted by 11/25)
- Academy of Natural Resources (video will be posted by 11/25)
- Academy of Professional & Public Services (video will be posted by 11/25)
- Elective Programs (World Languages, AVID, JROTC, Fine Arts) (video will be posted by
- WHS Campus Tour Orientation video
Waipahu High School SY2021-2022 Registration Guide ( link here or also could be
found on Waipahu High School website under students’ tab then 8th Grade
Please RSVP here by 11/29 (Sun) for the Online Parents’ Q&A Sessions. Once you RSVP
with your email, you will be given instructions and a link to join our online sessions by
12/2 and if you do not receive the invitation link, please call 808-307-9590.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Freeman Cheung, Career
Technical Education Coordinator, email: freeman.cheung@k12.hi.us
WIS Suggested Phone Blast to Parents on evening of 11/18/20
Aloha 8th Grade Parents,
Hope you and your family are staying safe and doing well.
We will begin the 9th Grade registration process with your child beginning
December 2th through the 11th. In collaboration with Waipahu High School, we
will start introducing the Academies of Waipahu High School during our
weekly advisory periods beginning 11/18/2020 leading up to the registration
date. Please check your email for more information on how to get involved
with your child’s Career Academy selection by reviewing Waipahu High
School’s Academy Videos and their Career Academy Handbook along with
their registration guide. You could also RSVP and attend their Academy
Question & Answer Sessions scheduled for December 3rd beginning at 530p.
Again please check your email or go to Waipahu High School’s website,
student tab and 8th Grade Orientation for more information.
Please Take Care and Stay Safe !